Adobe Dreamweaver & Adobe Photoshop Training - 3 Days
![Adobe Dreamweaver Training](../images/dreamweaver.jpg)
![Adobe Photoshop Training](../images/photoshop.jpg)
Platform: Windows PC and Apple Mac
Courseware: Comprehensive training manual provided per person
Prerequisites: Basic knowledge of Windows or Apple Mac operating system
Software version: Adobe Dreamweaver versions CS5.5, CS5, CS4, CS3, 8, MX 2004, MX and Adobe Photoshop versions CS5.5, CS5, CS4, CS3, CS2, CS, 7, 6, 5.5
Course Overview:
This 3 day training course is designed to give you a solid grounding of Adobe Photoshop and Adobe Dreamweaver. You will first learn how to create, edit and manipulate a variety of professional web ready graphics with Photoshop before moving on to Adobe Dreamweaver where you will learn how to plan, create,
edit and maintain professional looking web pages. You will also gain a thorough understanding of how the two applications integrate for seamless web design.
Dreamweaver and Photoshop 3 Day Training Outline
Training Course Introduction - Dreamweaver and Photoshop Overview
- About Adobe Photoshop and Adobe Dreamweaver
- How to plan a successful web project
- Understanding compliant web design
- Working with graphic types for the web
Day 1 - Working with Photoshop
Web Graphics
- About Photoshop
- Working with bitmap and vector images
- Images on the web
- Download considerations
- Planning and preparation
The Interface
- Interface overview
- Opening and importing images/graphics
- Creating new documents
- Navigation and magnification
- Saving customised workspaces
Basic Image Manipulation
- Cropping
- Resizing the image for onscreen display
- Working with image resolution for web
- Using the RGB colour mode
- Making greyscale images
Image Enhancement
- Basic levels
- Basic curves
- Using Hue and Saturation
- Using the Channel Mixer
- Creating sepia effects
- Sharpening images with Unsharp Mask
Correcting Mistakes
- Undo shortcuts
- Using the History palette
Working with Selections
- Using the range of selection tools
- Working with selection options
- Saving selections to channels
- Loading selections
- Editing selections
- Transforming selections
- Feathering images with selections
- Editing selected content
Changing Image Content
- Using the retouching tools
- Working with the paint tools
- Using the History Brush
Day 2 Morning Session - Photoshop Continued
Working with Layers
- About Photoshop layers
- Creating/deleting layers
- Automatic layer creation
- Adding text layers
- Hiding/locking layers
- Setting layer attributes
- Transforming layers
- Blending layers
- Working with layer effects
- Text layers
- Creating shapes and paths
- Editing & transforming shapes
- Using adjustment layers for non-destructive editing
Preparation for Web
- PSD documents for preservation and future editing
- Flattening layers for export
- Slicing images for faster download
- Export slice options
- Working with the Save for Web feature
- File formats - JPEG, PNG and GIF
- Optimising files in the correct format
- Saving and exporting images
Day 2 Afternoon Session - Working with Dreamweaver
Concepts and Preparation
- About Dreamweaver and Web Design
- Understanding HTML
- Planning a web site
- Screen design considerations
- Creating efficient web pages
- Web browsers
- Download times
- Images, animations and PDF’s
- CSS content
Web Site Structure
- Setting up a local site
- Using the site window
- Setting preferences
- Site management
- Creating a new file
The Assets Panel
- About the assets panel
- Adding and deleting objects
- Adding objects to a page
- Organising assets
Working with Text
- Adding text
- Importing text
- Text formatting
- Basic HTML styles
- Using CSS to style text
- External style sheets
Day 3 - Dreamweaver Continued
- Understanding HTML
- How browsers and search engines read your pages
- Viewing HTML
- Editing in HTML code view
- Effective tips and techniques for HTML
Working with Graphics
- Placing graphics on a page
- Using image formats: GIF, JPEG, PNG
- Applying and changing attributes
- Positioning text to graphics
- Working with the colour palettes
- Using safe colours
- Creating alternate text
Working with Hyperlinks
- Internal and external links
- E-mail links
- Working with anchors
Basic Interactivity
- Creating rollover buttons/images
- Creating a navigation bar
Working with Tables
- Creating a table
- Table attributes
- Absolute and relative measurements
- Nested tables
- Applying contents and colour
Page Layout
- Planning your page
- Using tables for layout
- Using layout mode
- Working with layers
- Manipulating layers
- Tables versus layers
The Upload Process
- Checking links and preparing the site
- Adding keywords and descriptions
- Setting server details
- Uploading
- Synchronising/editing posted files
Training Availability and Bookings | Training Prices | Training Information
If this Web Design outline does not match your requirements bespoke training is available.
If wish to discuss any aspect of your Web Design training please do not hesitate to contact me
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