Adobe Photoshop for Web Design Training - 1 Day
Platform: Windows PC and Apple Mac
Courseware: Comprehensive training manual provided per person
Prerequisites: Basic knowledge of Windows or Apple Mac operating system
Software Version: Training available for Adobe Photoshop CS5.5, CS5, CS4, CS3, CS2, CS, 7, 6, 5.5
Course Overview:
This special 1 day Photoshop course places focus purely on preparation of visual content for
web design. You will learn the fundamental features of Adobe Photoshop such as accurate pixel
sizing and web resolution, colour and tonal adjustments, special effects, working with text and
retouching. You will also learn essential techniques for optimising your graphics to keep file sizes
minimal for fast download while retaining desired image quality.
Photoshop for Web Design Training Outline
Web Graphics
- About Photoshop
- Working with bitmap and vector images
- Images on the web
- Download considerations
- Planning and preparation
The Interface
- Interface overview
- Opening and importing images/graphics
- Creating new documents
- Navigation and magnification
Basic Image Manipulation
- Cropping
- Resizing the image for onscreen display
- Working with image resolution for web
- Using the RGB colour mode
- Making greyscale images
Image Enhancement
- Basic levels
- Using Hue and Saturation
- Sepia effects
- Sharpening images
Correcting Mistakes
- Undo shortcuts
- Using the History palette
Working with Selections
- Using the range of selection tools
- Working with selection options
- Saving selections to channels
- Editing selections
- Feathering images with selections
- Editing selected content
Changing Image Content
- Using the retouching tools
- Working with the paint tools
Working with Layers
- About Photoshop layers
- Creating/deleting layers
- Automatic layer creation
- Adding text layers
- Hiding/locking layers
- Setting layer attributes
- Transforming layers
- Blending layers
- Working with layer effects
- Text layers
- Creating shapes and paths
- Editing & transforming shapes
Preparation for Web
- PSD documents for preservation and future editing
- Flattening layers for export
- Slicing images for faster download
- Export slice options
- Working with the Save for Web feature
- File formats - JPEG, PNG and GIF
- Optimising files in the correct format
- Saving and exporting images
Training Availability & Bookings | Training Prices | Training Information
If this Photoshop outline does not match your requirements then bespoke training is available.
If wish to discuss any aspect of your Adobe Photoshop training please do not hesitate to contact me
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